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“Louisa did a great job of understanding our organisation before the strategy workshop and brought a strong combination of proven tools and creativity to the day.  I was impressed with how much we were able to achieve in one day and look forward to seeing the strategy come to life and advance our purpose. I would highly recommend Louisa to assist for purpose organisations wishing to develop and align their marketing and communications strategies with their overall purpose and organisational strategy.”

Toni Wren, Australian Network on Disability

To know where to invest energy and effort, you need focus. We work with teams and organisations on business planning, mar-comms and brand strategy.

Our approach includes analysing the evidence inside your organisation to understand past performance. Data exists in every organisation, and every program, even when there has been no formal evaluation. Past performance is not the only predictor of future performance but it fuels good decision making.

We draw on your experience to think about what has worked, what didn't, what helped,and what hindered progress in our facilitated participatory workshops. Part of good planning is looking back and being willing to challenge our thinking; test our assumptions. That’s how we avoid repeating the same mistakes!

And then we work with you to identify new opportunities to add value, exploring new frontiers to determine priorities. Through exploring we begin to imagine what might be, not just what has been.


Strategic Planning

Client: RSPCA Victoria

RSPCA Strategy case study.PNG

In late 2016 RSPCA Victoria engaged The Big Picture to help develop a five year strategic plan. With new leadership, they had articulated their vision (ending cruelty to all animals) and purpose and refreshed organisational values. They knew they needed to get clear on priorities and new initiatives that would truly make a difference to ending animal cruelty.

Working with the executive, the management team and the board, we crafted a five year strategic plan with measurable goals that guides and informs the annual cycle of strategic review and business planning. This ‘plan-on-two-pages’ also helps them to explain organisational priorities to their people and supporters.

“Louisa has worked with our directors, senior leaders and managers over the past 4 years to help us achieve clarity and focus on our strategic plan. Her remarkable ability to customise the approach to the audience has played a critical part in supporting us to achieve alignment with our vision, purpose and goals across the organisation. At a senior level, she challenges our thinking with courage and respect in a robust and meaningful way, asking the hard questions to enable us to build confidence in our decisions. Louisa has gained our trust and respect and is a highly valued contributor to our strategic thinking process.”

Dr Liz Walker, CEO RSPCA Victoria – July 2018

Behaviour change campaign: Building understanding of autism in Victoria

Client: Amaze


Click on the photo to view the TVC’s

Click on the photo to view the TVC’s

In 2017 Amaze, Victoria’s peak body for autism, commissioned two groundbreaking studies - the first into the attitudes and behaviours of Australians towards autism, the second about experiences of autistic people and their families in society. The research showed that despite high awareness and extensive contact with autistic people most Australians don’t understand how autism affects people.  And few have any idea of the impact that their negative, judgemental attitudes are having on autistic people and their families. With funding from the Victorian Government Amaze set out to develop a campaign to change this.

The Big Picture was proud to project manage this important campaign for Amaze (which included the production of three TVCs, radio advertising and digital elements), and to develop the behaviour change strategy that underpins it.

The campaign commenced screening in 2019. Click this link to view the TVC’s.

“I have been working with Louisa Coppel and Helen McDonald for many years.  There are many experienced communications professionals but it’s rare to find those who have such a high level understanding of how ministers and governments work and this is very important knowledge for not for profit organisations.  Amaze has benefited enormously from The Big Picture’s wealth of knowledge in designing communications strategies and campaigns that align with government priorities, which leads to a bigger impact for us.“

Fiona Sharkie, CEO Amaze

People Strategy

Client: RSPCA Victoria


One of Australia's leading animal welfare charities, RSPCA Victoria works to end cruelty to all animals.

Their ability to achieve great things requires a committed, caring and capable workforce doing great work. The People Strategy improves RSPCA Victoria's ability to attract, grow and retain the best people, and create a cohesive, productive and supportive workplace.

Underpinned by robust data and insights and the input of many employees and volunteers, we created this strategy collaboratively with RSPCA's People and Culture team.

They can already see the results.